
Every season presents a unique opportunity to design your landscape, work on your garden, plan yard maintenance and clean up. We have compiled some useful tips for each season.

  • Use frost proof summer containers for ornamental displays
  • Keep bird feeders filled
  • Organize your garden shed
  • Clean and sharpen gardening tools and mower blades
  • Plan your garden for the coming year
  • Choose areas in your landscape for adding visual interest plants in winter
  • Shop sales for all non-plant items
  • Call Irrigation Design Company to reserve time this spring
  • Get your soil tested and add amendments as needed.
  • Amend your soil with a dressing of compost
  • Use your garden debris and leaves to start a new compost pile.
  • Keep transplants watered.
  • Enjoy the season.
  • Plant cool season annuals.
  • Harvest and dry or freeze herbs for winter use.
  • Clear away dead foliage.
  • Dry and save seed.
  • Start thinking about putting your garden to bed.
  • Remove green tomatoes from the plants. Either ripen in a brown paper bag or lift the entire plant and hang upside down in a warm spot to ripen.
  • Make sure all vacationing houseplants are brought back inside.
  • Call Irrigation Design Company to reserve time this fall
  • Plant trees and shrubs. Be sure to keep them well-watered, even through the winter (Snow permitting).
  • Plant Garlic
    Plant spring blooming bulbs.
  • Show off your harvest with a fall display.
  • Covering mums and asters on nights when a frost is expected, will lengthen their blooming.
  • Harvest winter squash once the vines die back, but definitely before a hard freeze.
  • Continue harvesting fall crops like beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, kale and leeks.
  • After the first killing frost, dig your tender bulbs, let dry and package for storage.
  • Winterize your roses.
  • Divide and/or transplant peonies.
  • Keep mowing, as long as the grass is growing.
    But set your mower to its highest level and let the grass go into winter with at least 3″ of growth.
  • Start raking. Shred or compost this fall gold.
  • Cut back and remove diseased perennial foliage.
  • Clean and put away empty containers and garden ornaments.
  • Clean bird feeders.
  • Think about a de-icer for the birdbath. If you’re in an area that freezes and you don’t have a de-icer, turn your birdbath over to keep it from cracking.
  • Call Irrigation Design Company to reserve time this for planning your landscaping this winter

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8 Single Lane
Lyman, Maine

Office -(207) 499-2474

Cell - (207) 229-4561

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